Tag Archives: customer journey

The Secret to Successful Integrated Marketing

Straight to the point I am not going to drag you along with an anecdotal story and make you wait to get to the secret of successful integrating marketing. The secret is simply – follow the customer journey.

customer journey

When I worked at the Ryan Partnership agency, we would often display the customer journey as pictured above. This spaghetti-like diagram is actually a simplification of a customer purchase path for a potential healthcare/beauty product. The diagram shows the consumer:

1) getting input from their friends, family, and colleagues, through social networks and other direct communications,
2) reading product reviews in print and online,
3) comparing competitive products and considering places to purchase,
4) taking actions at home before going to a store such as reading emails and searching for coupons,
5) using mobile apps while shopping,
6) sharing product experiences with friends and more widely via participation on social networks, and
7) experiencing in store displays and promotions.

Granted, the purchase journey will vary a significant amount based upon the product/service being sold and whether it is a consumer or business solution. The important point is to identify the journey and touch points for customers seeking a product/solution that your company offers.

Once you have identified the customer journey, you need to orchestrate marketing creative ideation, themes, memes, personalities, stylizations, and voices across all relevant marketing channels. Your brand and direct marketing needs to play like a Hollywood script across all marketing endeavors and channels. One brand story and supporting promotion that triggers repetitive purchase decision considerations and brand loyalty.

If you look at the different marketing groups that need to be involved as defined by customer behavior you should recognize that integrated marketing is really more about complete collaboration as opposed to integration. John Bell, former Global Managing Director at Social@Ogilvy, makes the point that “Collaboration Trumps Integration in New Marketing.” I recommend reading his article to gain insights on collaborative behaviors.

So when you wrap it all up, the secret of successful integrated marketing really boils down to behaviors. First the customers’ journey and target audience behaviors that define the focus of brand marketing efforts. And secondarily, the organizational collaborative behaviors that truly yield customer brand preference and loyalty. Is your marketing team taking this approach?

Make It Happen,
Social Steve

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Filed under behavior, brand marketing, brands, customer relations, marketing, marketing plan, Social Steve, SocialSteve