Every Company Should Think (and ACT) Like a Media Company

Media Business is the industry and market formed by companies operating in and across different mediums, main ones being but not limited to internet, television, newspapers, magazines, radio, cinema, and outdoor.

A media company is any business that communicates to large audiences. What they communicate is information, news, entertainment, advertising, messaging and cultural stories. When the content behind media is delivered in a repeated and compelling manner, it starts your target audience on the “A-Path (Attention – Attraction – Affinity – Audience – Advocacy).” What company or brand would not want to take their target audience through the stages of the A-Path?

Brands and companies need to strategically think about and provide continuous great content to their target audience. Great brand content is defined as the intersection of what a company wants to say and what the target audience wants or needs to hear. When brands succeed in providing great content, they start to build an emotional connection with individuals of their target audience. Doesn’t every company or brand want to accomplish that?

Media companies plan a calendar full of content to drive continuous “tuning in” from their target audience. Every company and brand wants to be top of mind of their target audience. And having a rich and compelling content calendar full of great content (as defined above) is the best way to stay top of mind of your target audience.

So what is stopping you from reaching greater business success from thinking and acting like a media. The advent of digital platforms, social media, and blogs allow every company to be a publisher and mimic a media company for their own benefit.

Make it Happen!

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